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Step-by-step guide on how to use Kefir

gut health kefir Apr 30, 2024

What is Kefir?

Kefir is a colony of lactobacilli (bacteria) and yeasts. It is a probiotic food, meaning it helps to "populate" the intestine with good bacteria. Our gut contains billions of both good and bad bacteria. Having a larger amount of good bacteria favours your intestinal health because they overpower the bad bacteria.


- Enhances immunity and prevents infections
- Improves nutrient absorption
- Aids in the production of B-complex vitamins
- Aids in weight loss by improving gut microbiota
- Acts in the prevention and treatment of cancer as it can prevent the formation of an environment conducive to its onset
- Helps to reduce levels of bad cholesterol and increases HDL, potentially preventing cardiovascular diseases
- Can improve blood glucose levels
- Eliminates toxins and impurities from the body and improves hepatic detoxification
- In the case of kombucha: It is rich in the polyphenols of tea

Besides kefir, for better intestinal health you need: water + fibre + good diet + good intestinal microbiota (probiotics) + prebiotics (food for the good bacteria, mainly fibres found in fruits and vegetables in general, specifically in green bananas, chicory root, yacon potatoes, legumes, beetroot) + physical activity!

Can you use milk kefir and kombucha at the same time?

Yes, but it is not necessary to use both; what is important is the regularity of using probiotics.

Which is better, water kefir or milk kefir?

Milk kefir because it has more different types of bacteria than water kefir, with milk kefir having 35 different strains and water kefir and kombucha having approximately 15 strains.

Can you make kefir with coconut milk?

Cow's milk kefir feeds on lactose, and coconut milk does not contain lactose, so it will not be able to ferment as well.

How to obtain?

Through donations or commercially in natural product stores and supermarkets.

Can it be frozen?

Milk kefir can be frozen, just the grains alone or with milk; when defrosted, it takes a while to ferment because it enters a dormant state. Water kefir should avoid being frozen but can be kept in the refrigerator so that it does not multiply too much.

How to prepare?

Milk Kefir
1. Take a glass container.
2. Place the Kefir grains in this container.
3. Add milk.
4. Allow to ferment at room temperature for at least 24 to 72 hours.
5. Filter the byproduct metabolised by the Kefir grains.
6. Reserve the Kefir grains again in glass and restart the process.

Water Kefir
1. Take a glass container.
2. Place the Kefir grains in this container.
3. Add filtered water and brown sugar.
4. It is recommended to use 2 tablespoons of brown sugar for every 500 ml of filtered water.
5. Filter the byproduct metabolised by the Kefir grains.
6. Reserve the Kefir grains again in glass and restart the process.

- A good Kombucha culture (available online or at natural houses)
- ¼ litre of already fermented tea (ready drink)
- 250 grams of sugar
- 3 litres of water
- 4 small bags of black tea without metal clasps
- A large stainless steel or glass pan
- A glass container for fermentation
- 1 clean dish towel to cover the glass container
- Elastic or string to hold the cloth

1. Boil 3 litres of water in a stainless steel pan.
2. Boil for 5 to 10 minutes, add 250g of sugar and boil for another 2 or 3 minutes.
3. Turn off the heat and add 4 to 6 small bags of black tea.
4. Let the tea steep in the water for 15 to 20 minutes.
5. Remove the tea bags and let the liquid cool. When it reaches room temperature, transfer the liquid to the glass container where fermentation will occur.
6. Add ¼ of the already fermented tea.
7. Carefully place the culture on the surface of the liquid with the thinner, clearer part up and the rougher, darker part down.
8. Place a cloth over the mouth of the fermentation container and secure it tightly with an elastic, string, or twine.
9. Place the container in a quiet place, where it does not receive smoke, pollution, and direct sunlight.
10. Let it rest for 5 to 14 days depending on the ambient temperature and time of year. The warmer the environment, the faster fermentation will occur. Keep an eye on it day by day.
11. When you remove the cloth, you will see that another culture has formed on the surface. If the first culture was on top, they

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